[tube a=”나의 그리스식 웨딩 OST” y=”njH_nZHY4cc” b=”Various Artists” c=”Stalia, Stalia|Xekina Mia Psaroboulla|Orea Pou Ine I Nifi Mas|Moose Caca|Kefi In Katavia|Secret Garden|Yasoo|Istanbul Coffee House (kafe Neio)|Time With You|Yiayia|Generations|Toula And Ian|Apples N’ Oranges|All My Only Dremas (Olla Mono Ta Oneera Mou)|First Date” d=”-” e=”2002.08.01″ f=”국외영화” g=”24210″ t=”0″ i=”various-artists” j=”Alexander Janko|The Greek Wedding Band|Daghan Baydur|Chris Wilson|Eman|Nick Kutsukos|Alexandros Xenofontos” k=”alexander-janko|the-greek-wedding-band|daghan-baydur|chris-wilson|eman|nick-kutsukos|alexandros-xenofontos” l=”145″ m=”gugoeyeonghwa” n=”” h=””]