[tube a=”The Wonderful Country (1959 Film Score)” y=”y3zuArUEkZ0″ b=”Alex North” c=”The Wonderful Country (Main Title)|Riding into Puelblo|Hellen’s Theme|Smuggling Guns|Across the Rio Grande|Cheif Pistalere|Murder at the Fiesta|Escape|Reunion with Castro|General Mareos|Capital City|Reunion at Fort Jeffin|The Wonderful Country|The Chase|Indian Fight|Brady and Hellen|The Wonderful Country (End Title)” d=”KDM” e=”2012.12.31″ f=”국외영화” g=”226272″ t=”0″ i=”alex-north” j=”Aelfric Michael Avery” k=”aelfric-michael-avery” l=”kdm” m=”gugoeyeonghwa” n=”” h=””]