[tube a=”Rise Above (Feat. JJ Grey, Scott Metzger, Marco Benevento, Joe Russo & Vaneese Thomas)” y=”tH1x5Yk0low” b=”Bill Evans” c=”Right Lady (Feat. JJ Grey, Scott Metzger, Marco Benevento, Joe Russo & Vaneese Thomas)|Rise Above (Feat. Warren Haynes, Danny Louis, Vaneese Thomas, Josh Dion, Dave Anderson & Mitch Stein)|Love Game (Feat. Murali Coryell, Mike Stern & Ryan Cavanaugh)|Love Is Working Overtime (Feat. Gregg Allman, Joe Russo, Scott Metzger, Tim Carbone & Nick Piccininni)|Everybody’s Lookin’ (For Somethin’ They’re Missing) (Feat. Murali Coryell, Etienne Mbappe, Rob Aries & Mitch Stein)|Slow Rollin Ride (Feat. Anders Osborne, Joe Russo, Marco Benevento & Roger Squitero)|Tales of a Shiny Devil (Feat. Jake Cinninger, Josh Dion, Ryan Cavanaugh & Tim Carbone)|Strange Neighbors (Feat. Josh Dion, Mtich Stein, Dave Anderson & Ryan Cavanaugh)|Them Changes (Feat. Josh Dion, Danny Louis & Mitch Stein)|Every Once in a While (Things Got to Give) (Feat. Nick Piccininni, Tim Carbone, Josh Dion, Mitch Stein, Murali Coryell, Dave Anderson & Ryan Cavanaugh)” d=”KDM” e=”2016.05.20″ f=”록/메탈” g=”3659026″ t=”0″ i=”bill-evans” j=”Bill Evans” k=”bill-evans” l=”kdm” m=”rog-metal” n=”” h=””]

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