[tube a=”Revival’s in the Air” y=”u9TCQuni5Jw” b=”Bethel Music” c=”God of Revival|Come out of that Grave(Resurrection Power)|Anything is Possible|Reign Above it All|Sing His Praise Again(Oh My Soul)|Champion|Breathe/Rest(Spontaneous)|Egypt|Revival’s in the Air|My Hands are Open|I Will Rise|We Cry Holy(Spontaneous)|By the Grace of God|Prepare the Way|Better Than|We Praise You|Always Good” d=”주식회사 사운드리퍼블리카” e=”2020.06.09″ f=”CCM|국외CCM” g=”10441070″ t=”8″ i=”bethel-music” j=”Bethel Music” k=”bethel-music” l=”jusighoesa-saundeuripeobeulrika” m=”ccm|gugoeccm” n=”” h=””]