[tube a=”마스크 오브 조로 OST” y=”CP6LQjJo7eY” b=”James Horner” c=”The Plaza Of Execution|Elena And Esperanza|The Ride|Elena’s Truth|The Fencing Lesson|Tornado In The Barracks|The Confession|Zorro’s Theme|The Mine|Stealing The Map|”Leave No Witnesses…”|Diego’s Goodbye|I Want To Spend My Lifetime Loving You” d=”-” e=”1998″ f=”국외영화” g=”27473″ t=”12″ i=”james-horner” j=”Tina Arena|Marc Anthony|James Horner” k=”tina-arena|marc-anthony|james-horner” l=”145″ m=”gugoeyeonghwa” n=”||||||||||||1″ o=”james-horner” h=””]