[tube a=”Ordinary Man” y=”dBF78tA443A” b=”Ozzy Osbourne” c=”Straight to Hell|All My Life|Goodbye|Ordinary Man (feat. Elton John)|Under the Graveyard|Eat Me|Today Is The End|Scary Little Green Men|Holy For Tonight|It’s A Raid (feat. Post Malone)|Take What You Want (feat. Ozzy Osbourne & Travis Scott)” d=”Sony Music” e=”2020.02.21″ f=”록/메탈” g=”10391051″ t=”3|9″ i=”ozzy-osbourne” j=”Ozzy Osbourne|Post Malone” k=”ozzy-osbourne|post-malone” l=”sony-music” m=”rog-metal” n=”|||1||||||1|” o=”ozzy-osbourne” h=””]

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