[tube a=”Mixtape Vol.5 : Burn Out” y=”KBY5xncWms0″ b=”The Mind” c=”부르주아|XYXX|No Time|Cypher Take 1|Greenday|Off the record|뜨기 전에 제일 어두워 (Feat. MoeL)|Cypher Take 2|Vintage 1991|Parallel Universe (It Goes…)|Cypher Take 3|부르주아 (Inst.)|XYXX (Inst.)|No Time (Inst.)|Cypher Take 1 (Inst.)|Greenday (Inst.)|Off the record (Inst.)|뜨기 전에 제일 어두워 (Inst.)|Cypher Take 2 (Inst.)|Vintage 1991 (Inst.)|Parallel Universe (Inst.)|Cypher Take 3 (Inst.)” d=”바른음원 협동조합” e=”2017.12.22″ f=”랩/힙합|인디음악” g=”10121728″ t=”0″ i=”the-mind” j=”The Mind” k=”the-mind” l=”bareuneumweon-hyeobdongjohab” m=”raeb-hibhab|indieumag” n=”1|1|1|1|1|1|1|1|1|1|1|||||||||||” o=”the-mind” h=””]