[tube a=”Funk Without Score” y=”-iwYugNKEU0″ b=”The Z” c=”The Treble Clef|…에서 (Feat. Miniman And T’ache)|The Quarter Rest|Oasis (Feat. MC Meta)|Mr. Funk|Inner City (Feat. Paloalto And 大捌)|The Depot|걱정하지마 (Feat. Trespass And Paloalto And 채영)|Summer In Water|Up & Lock (코끼리걸음마) (Feat. 羅刹 And 디기리)|재진화 (Feat. 大捌 And Wimpy)|The Bass Clef” d=”타일뮤직” e=”2005.09.15″ f=”랩/힙합” g=”310534″ t=”8″ i=”the-z-2″ j=”The Z” k=”the-z-2″ l=”tailmyujig” m=”raeb-hibhab” n=”|||1||1||1|||1|” o=”the-z” h=”3|5|7″]