[tube a=”Perfect Love” y=”LXny72Fw4eM” b=”더 퓨어” c=”완전한 사랑 (Pefect Love)|아름다운 세상 (It’s A Beautiful World)|소년의 꿈 (A Boy’s Dream)|날개 (Wing)|패배자 (Looser)|어린 추억 (Childhood Memories)|꿈은 변해 (Dreams Changes)|발전을 위하여 (To Be Better)|싱그러운 아침에 (On A Lovely Morning)|소녀 (Girl)|겁쟁이의 사랑 (Coward’s Love)|사랑이란 (Love Is)|망각 (Oblivion)” d=”RIAK” e=”2004.11.22″ f=”발라드|록/메탈|댄스” g=”43861″ t=”0″ i=”deo-pyueo” j=”더 퓨어” k=”deo-pyueo” l=”riak” m=”balradeu|rog-metal|daenseu” n=”1|1|1|1|1|1|1|1|1|1|1|1|1″ o=”deo-pyueo” h=””]

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