[tube a=”Cool한 42″ y=”qIeahm_gz4M” b=”박문치” c=”Cool한 42 (with. 박문치 유니버스)|MBTI (with. 박문치 유니버스)” d=”카카오엔터테인먼트” e=”2020.08.03″ f=”댄스” g=”10470991″ t=”0″ i=”bagmunci” j=”박문치” k=”bagmunci” l=”kakaoenteoteinmeonteu” m=”daenseu” n=”1|1″ o=”bagmunci” h=””]
Be One With Kpop
[tube a=”Cool한 42″ y=”qIeahm_gz4M” b=”박문치” c=”Cool한 42 (with. 박문치 유니버스)|MBTI (with. 박문치 유니버스)” d=”카카오엔터테인먼트” e=”2020.08.03″ f=”댄스” g=”10470991″ t=”0″ i=”bagmunci” j=”박문치” k=”bagmunci” l=”kakaoenteoteinmeonteu” m=”daenseu” n=”1|1″ o=”bagmunci” h=””]