[tube a=”Grasp of the Undying” y=”5-mT9D4fdgQ” b=”펜타킬 (Pentakill)” c=”수확의 낫 – Cull|필멸자의 운명 – Mortal Reminder|여신의 눈물 – Tear of the Goddess|무한의 대검 – Infinity Edge|망자의 갑옷 – Dead Man’s Plate|마공학 핵 mk2 – The Hex Core mk-2|피바라기 – The Bloodthirster|얼어붙은 심장 – Frozen Heart|고속 연사포 – Rapid Firecannon|몰락한 왕의 검 – Blade of the Ruined King” d=”지니뮤직|Stone Music Entertainment” e=”2017.08.04″ f=”록/메탈” g=”10085297″ t=”1″ i=”pentakil-pentakill” j=”펜타킬 (Pentakill)” k=”pentakil-pentakill” l=”jinimyujig|stone-music-entertainment” m=”rog-metal” n=”1|1|1|1|1|1|1|1|1|” o=”pentakil-pentakill” h=””]

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