[tube p=”우리는 서로의 꿈속에서 만난다.
Peninsula Park에 모여서 함께 꿈을 꾸었다.
언덕 위에 작은 천문대.
천체 망원경이 있는 곳.
우주를 관찰하고, 별의 움직임을 보는 곳.
꿈이 현실이 되는 장소.
꿈이 현실로 이루어질 때, 현실을 살아가다가 잠시 꿈을 꿀 때.
꿈과 현실의 경계가 되는 장소 Peninsula Park.
시간이라는 강물의 수원지.
시간이 시작되는 곳, 음악은 시간과 반도를 둘러 싼 강과 함께 흘러간다.
우리에게 다시 돌아오지 않을 순간들이 흘러간다.
서로가 서로에게 의지를 한다.
함께 꾸는 꿈에 대하여,
함께 하는 것에 대하여.
우리의 시간이 시작되고, 이야기가 되고, 꿈이 되어 먼 바다로 흘러가는 것에 대하여.


We meet in each other’s dreams
We gathered in Peninsula Park where We were together in there

A place with
a small observatory on a hill
an astronomical telescopes
A place
to observe the universe,
to see the movement of stars

A place
where dreams come true
When dreams come true,
When we dream for a while in our real life

Peninsula Park, the boundary between the dream and the real world

the fountainhead of a river called time
the starting point of time
Music flows with the river that surrounding the Time and the Peninsula
Moments flow, not coming back to us again

We rely on each other
About the dreams
we have dreamed together,
About being together

About the beginning of our time,
That becomes our story,
About becoming the Dream
And flowing into the Ocean

-Gabson jung

Album Produced by Soul delivery

Bass; Yonghoon Jeong(정용훈)
Guitar; Joon’s Second Life

Recorded by Joon’s Second Life at Unwound Studios, London
Mastered by Aepmah at AFMLaboratory, Seoul
Artwork by 정하은, 엄지수
Photo by jooyoung Kim
Photo assistant by Soyeon Han

1. Soundcheck 1

Written by SHINDRUM, HAEUN, Joon’s Second Life, 정용훈
Mixed by Joon’s Second Life at JSL Studio, London

2. Fish and Chips

Written by SHINDRUM, HAEUN, Joon’s Second Life, 정용훈
Mixed by Joon’s Second Life at JSL Studio, London

3. Greenwich Holiday (with THAMA, SOLE)

Written by SHINDRUM, HAEUN, Joon’s Second Life, 정용훈, THAMA, SOLE
Lyrics by THAMA, SOLE
Mixed by Syed Adam Jaffrey at Unwound Studios, London


4. Whiskey (with SOLE, THAMA)

Written by SHINDRUM, HAEUN, Joon’s Second Life, 정용훈, SOLE, THAMA
Lyrics by SOLE, THAMA
Mixed by Syed Adam Jaffrey at Unwound Studios, London


5. Soundcheck 2

Written by SHINDRUM, HAEUN, Joon’s Second Life, 정용훈
Mixed by Joon’s Second Life at JSL Studio, London

6. 목련꽃 (with JINBO)

Written by SHINDRUM, HAEUN, Joon’s Second Life, 정용훈, JINBO
Lyrics by JINBO
Mixed by 나잠 수 at Wormwood Hill Studio, Seoul

Vocal; JINBO

7. GMT

Written by SHINDRUM, HAEUN, Joon’s Second Life, 정용훈
Mixed by Joon’s Second Life at JSL Studio, London

8. Impossible Espoir (with Youjin KO)

Written by SHINDRUM, HAEUN, Joon’s Second Life, 정용훈, Youjin KO
Mixed by Joon’s Second Life at JSL Studio, London

Flute; Youjin KO

9. Brando (with 윤다혜)

Written by SHINDRUM, HAEUN, Joon’s Second Life, 정용훈, 윤다혜
Lyrics by 윤다혜
Mixed by Manny Park at Sig Recording’s, Seoul

Vocal; 윤다혜

10. Soundcheck 3

Written by SHINDRUM, HAEUN, Joon’s Second Life, 정용훈
Mixed by Joon’s Second Life at JSL Studio, London

11. NARU

Written by SHINDRUM, HAEUN, Joon’s Second Life, 정용훈
Mixed by Joon’s Second Life at JSL Studio, London

Percussion; 곽진석

12. Wisdom (with RuRu)

Written by SHINDRUM, HAEUN, Joon’s Second Life, 정용훈, RuRu
Lyrics by RuRu
Mixed by B.A. Wheeler at East Seoul Studio, Seoul

Vocal; RuRu

13. See you again

Written by SHINDRUM, HAEUN, Joon’s Second Life, 정용훈
Mixed by Joon’s Second Life at JSL Studio, London

펼치기” a=”Peninsula Park” y=”s7mpMYsFodc” b=”Soul delivery” c=”Soundcheck 1|Fish and Chips|Greenwich Holiday (with THAMA, SOLE)|Whiskey (with SOLE, THAMA)|Soundcheck 2|목련꽃 (with JINBO)|GMT|Impossible Espoir (with Youjin KO)|Brando (with 윤다혜)|Soundcheck 3|NARU|Wisdom (with 루루)|See you again” d=”포크라노스” e=”2023.08.11″ f=”R&B/Soul|재즈|댄스|록/메탈” g=”11304189″ t=”2|3″ i=”soul-delivery” j=”Soul delivery” k=”soul-delivery” l=”pokeuranoseu” m=”rb-soul|jaejeu|daenseu|rog-metal” n=”||1|1||1|||1|||1|” o=”soul-delivery” h=””]

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