[tube a=”Slaughtered Apparatus – A Methodical Overture” y=”K9IrzWJq02Q” b=”Aborted” c=”The Chondrin Enigma|A Methodical Overture|Avenious|The Spaying Seance|And Carnage Basked In Its Ebullience|The Foul Nucleus of Resurrection|Archetype|Ingeuity In Genocide|Odious Emanation|Prolific Murder Contrivance|Underneath Rorulent Soil|Surprise You’re Dead” d=”Sony Music” e=”2012.07.13″ f=”록/메탈” g=”2951314″ t=”0″ i=”aborted” j=”Aborted” k=”aborted” l=”sony-music” m=”rog-metal” n=”” h=””]

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