[tube a=”The Necrotic Manifesto” y=”GKoG6-C3WjY” b=”Aborted” c=”Six Feet of Foreplay|The Extirpation Agenda|Necrotic Manifesto|An Enumeration of Cadavers|Your Entitlement Means Nothing|The Davidian Deceit|Coffin Upon Coffin|Chronicles of Detruncation|Sade & Libertine Lunacy|Die Verzweiflung|Excremental Veracity|Purity of Perversion|Of Dead Skin & Decay|Cenobites|Arise” d=”Sony Music” e=”2015.01.23″ f=”록/메탈” g=”2959747″ t=”0″ i=”aborted” j=”Aborted” k=”aborted” l=”sony-music” m=”rog-metal” n=”” h=””]

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