[tube a=”Etudes” y=”0_HygcgVSv0″ b=”Alex Goodman” c=”End of a Prologue|Etude 1 (In Heaven Everything Is Fine)|Etude 2 (Song for Valerie Quinn)|Etude 3|Etude 4|Etude 5|Etude 6|Etude 7 (Chorale for My Mother)|Etude 8 (Dream)|Etude 9 (Follow the Line)|Etude 10 (Acrobat)|Improvisation 1 (Thinking of Ed)|Improvisation 2|Improvisation 3|Improvisation 4|Improvisation 5|Improvisation 6|Improvisation 7 (For David Occhipinti)|Song for Mendelssohn” d=”KDM” e=”2013.11.13″ f=”재즈” g=”3036106″ t=”0″ i=”alex-goodman” j=”Alex Goodman” k=”alex-goodman” l=”kdm” m=”jaejeu” n=”” h=””]

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