[tube a=”Cello and Piano Recital: Baillie, Alexander / Thwaites, John – MOERAN, E.J. / BRITTEN, B. / BRIDGE, F. / BENNETT, R.R. (The British Cello)” y=”OYPSBeEyImk” b=”Alexander Baillie” c=”Prelude for Cello and Piano|I. Dialogo|II. Scherzo-pizzicato|III. Elegia|IV. Marcia|V. Moto Perpetuo|elegie|I. Allegro – Molto vivo|II. Allegretto leggero – Lento|III. Feroce|IV. Andante|2016 Was a Sad Year for Pop Music|Cello Sonata No. 2|Elegy, Op. 5″ d=”NAXOS” e=”2017.10.13″ f=”클래식” g=”5475411″ t=”0″ i=”alexander-baillie” j=”Alexander Baillie” k=”alexander-baillie” l=”naxos” m=”keulraesig” n=”” h=””]

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