[tube a=”inFAMOUS (Original Game Soundtrack)” y=”lnGLPFha-84″ b=”Amon Tobin” c=”Rabble Rouser|Stampton Bridge|Meet the Reapers|The First Sons|Alden Strikes|The Escape|Dinner with Sasha|The Courier|Secrets Revealed (Feat. Martin Tillman)|Rampage|Tent City (Feat. Martin Tillman)|Hunt for the Ray Sphere|End of the Road|Anything for Trish (Feat. Martin Tillman)|Stranded|Mysterious Signals (Feat. Martin Tillman)|The Truth|Genesis|Pleasant Empire|Silent Melody” d=”Sony Music” e=”2021.02.12″ f=”게임” g=”10564582″ t=”0″ i=”amon-tobin” j=”JD Mayer|James Dooley|Amon Tobin|Various Artists|Mel Wesson” k=”jd-mayer|james-dooley|amon-tobin|various-artists|mel-wesson” l=”sony-music” m=”geim” n=”” h=””]

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