[tube a=”The An Albatross Family Album” y=”qBEGqapF9y4″ b=”An Albatross” c=”Neon Guru|…And Now Emerges The Silver Pilgrim|The Hymn of the Angel People|The Psychonaut & The Rustbelt|Starving on Rabbit Meat|A Convivial Feast of the Peace Beast|Floodgates Released|The Electric Proletariat Rides A Velvet Chariot|3,000 Light Years By Way of the Spacehawk” d=”Warner Music Korea Ltd.” e=”2008.10.07″ f=”록/메탈” g=”167017″ t=”0″ i=”an-albatross” j=”An Albatross” k=”an-albatross” l=”warner-music-korea-ltd” m=”rog-metal” n=”” h=””]