[tube a=”In Tune With Tomorrow” y=”O-MYBzTu0dw” b=”Android” c=”Luminary (Feat. John Brock)|Images (Feat. John Brock)|Sometimes My Love Is Like a Shooting Star (Feat. John Brock)|Standing in the Line of Fire (Feat. John Brock)|Themesong (Feat. John Brock)|Ahead of Your Time (Feat. John Brock)|Listen to the Sky (Feat. John Brock)|Perpetual Motion (Feat. John Brock)|Excerpt from Tentative Conclusion (Feat. John Brock)|Electrosynphonia (Feat. John Brock)|Love Is Forever (Feat. John Brock)|Without You Again (Feat. John Brock)|Never Be the Same (Feat. John Brock)|Moonstruck (Feat. John Brock)” d=”KDM” e=”2014.07.31″ f=”일렉트로니카” g=”3771406″ t=”0″ i=”android” j=”Android” k=”android” l=”kdm” m=”ilregteuronika” n=”” h=””]