[tube a=”Bass City Vol2″ y=”fp1PyHj1sSc” b=”Andromeda” c=”Manifestation|When The Sun Dont Rise|Overlord|Dreamspace|When Im With You|The Darkness|Raceway|Cadaverous|Breakbeat|Clockworx|Bass Excerciser|SWEEPTONE DC to 200Hz|SWEEPTONE 200Hz to 1kHz|SWEEPTONE 1kHz to 6kHz|SWEEPTONE 6kHz to 20kHz|out of phase 220|out of phase 80|in phase 80|in phase 220|Ballistic Intro|Launch Tone A|Launch Tone B|Launch Tone C|Launch Tone D|Launch Tone E|Earthquake|Storm|Space Explosion|Jet Fighter|Drag Strip|The End” d=”KDM” e=”2005.01.01″ f=”일렉트로니카” g=”3733374″ t=”0″ i=”andromeda” j=”Andromeda” k=”andromeda” l=”kdm” m=”ilregteuronika” n=”” h=””]