[tube a=”Be Bop ‘N’ Holla” y=”w2l0TIwCIK0″ b=”Andy Fairweather” c=”Shimmie-Doo-Wah-Sae|Ain’t No Fun Anymore|Da Doo Rendezvous|Hot Poop|Travellin’ Light|Rocky Racoon|Lighten Up|I Can’t Take Much More|Rhythm ‘N’ Jazz|Checking Out The Checker|Be Bop ‘N’ Holla|If I Ever Get Lucky (Bonus Track)” d=”NHN벅스” e=”2017.12.15″ f=”록/메탈” g=”10120262″ t=”0″ i=”andy-fairweather” j=”Andy Fairweather” k=”andy-fairweather” l=”nhnbeogseu” m=”rog-metal” n=”” h=””]

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