[tube a=”Sunflower” y=”LFnjvHrPXpg” b=”Andy Jones” c=”Noah Says (Sunflower Melody) (Live)|Daddy’s Got a Girl (She’s a Doll) (Live)|Christy Was a Painter (Live)|Everybody Loves Brannon (Dialogue) (Live)|My Mother Was Right When She Said I’d Live in Squalor (Live)|Candy (Live)|Hallelujah (Live)|Sunflowers (Live)|Drinking Right into the Mic (Dialogue) (Live)|If I Had a Gun… (Live)|Paul McCartney’s Blowing Up (Dialogue & False Start) (Live)|Say It Naked (Live)|Ginger Tea (Live)|Skip It All the Same (Live)|The Science Mr. Rogers (False Start & Dialogue) (Live)|The Art of Holding an Umbrella (Live)” d=”KDM” e=”2016.09.15″ f=”포크” g=”3773496″ t=”0″ i=”andy-jones” j=”Andy Jones” k=”andy-jones” l=”kdm” m=”pokeu” n=”” h=””]

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