[tube a=”Sydney Dreaming” y=”O3LjauUEO_s” b=”Antony Walker” c=”Adams: Sydney Dreaming|Boyd: As I Crossed A Bridge Of Dreams|Yu: In The Sunshine Of Bach|Hindson: Elvis – 2. Suspicious Minds|Hindson: Elvis – 3. The Death Of Elvis (The King Is Dead…)|Marcellino: Responsorio|Fowler: Veni Sancte Spiritus / Veni Creator|Gyger, Slessor: Five Bells” d=”Universal Music Group” e=”2013.06.07″ f=”클래식|오페라/성악” g=”10023372″ t=”0″ i=”antony-walker” j=”The Contemporary Singers|Antony Walker” k=”the-contemporary-singers|antony-walker” l=”universal-music-group” m=”keulraesig|opera-seongag” n=”” h=””]

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