[tube a=”A State Of Trance Year Mix 2016 (Mixed by Armin van Buuren)” y=”u2VvL0o98pA” b=”Armin Van Buuren” c=”A State Of Trance Year Mix 2016 – Gig At The Megadome (Intro)|Alien|Caesarea (Feat. Sivan)|Gotta Be Love (Arston Remix) (Feat. Lyrica Anderson)|Home|Winterburn (Feat. Sylvia Tosun)|Bigger Than Love (Feat. Giuseppe De Luca)|Sunshine Blue|Edge Of Life|Goldengate|Crocodile Tears|Saltwater (Kryder Remix) (Feat. Moya Brennan)|All Systems Down|Follow The Light|Xo|Mega|Arcade|Flashlight|Am2Pm|Little Something (Super8 & Tab Remix) (Feat. Justine Suissa)|Epiphany|More Time|Beautiful Creature|High On Life|Heading Up High (First State Remix) (Feat. Kensington)|A.I.|Sun Goes Down|Cvnt5|Make It Right (Feat. Angel Taylor)|Strange World (Andrew Bayer Remix)|Freefall (Heatbeat Remix) (Feat. Bullysongs)|Memory Lane|Run Away|Kalopsia|Stay Awake|Leave My Hand (Feat. Emma Chatt)|Save Me (Feat. Christina Novelli)|Xcelerate|The Race|I Will Follow You (Alexander Popov Remix) (Feat. Clara Yates)|World Like This|Smile|Kaleidoscope (Feat. Keyplayer)|Until We Meet Again (Feat. Ben Gold)|You And Me (Feat. Chloe)|Caught In The Slipstream (Khomha Remix) (Feat. Bullysongs)|Beautiful Life (Gareth Emery Remix) (Feat. Sandro Cavazza)|Once More|All I See Is You (Feat. Christian Burns)|Iconic|Did We Feel (Frainbreeze Progressive Dub Remix)|Once In A Lifetime Love (Feat. Kristina Antuna)|Event Horizon|Old Skool (Vigel Remix)|Dominator (Tom Staar Remix)|Nana (Jerome Isma-Ae Remix)|The Count|Hyperdrive|Music Box|Crux|Simulated (Radion6 Remix)|Sunset Aftermath|Livin The Dream|Exploration Of Space (Cosmic Gate’s Third Contact Remix)|Inyathi|Amber|Neba|By My Side|Into|Far From Home (Craig Connelly Remix) (Feat. Gavrielle)|I’m In A State Of Trance (Asot 750 Anthem)|Not Alone (Three Friends)|Mangata|Again (Armin Van Buuren Remix) (Feat. Betsie Larkin)|We Can Fly|Berlinition (Paul Van Dyk Club Mix)|Lies Cost Nothing|Reckless (Standerwick Remix) (Feat. Wayward Daughter)|Fortress (Seven Lions Roots Mix) (Feat. Joni Fatora)|Out There (Robert Nickson 2016 Remix) (Feat. Justine Suissa)|I Believe|Your Everything|Move On|Unbreakable|Not All Superheroes Wear Capes|Angelic (Feat. Natalie Gioia)|Kingdoms (Fsoe 450 Anthem)|Evoke|Forever And A Day (Feat. Stine Grove)|Smack (Waio Remix)|Million Voices|All Or Nothing (Allen Watts Remix) (Feat. Christina Novelli)|Now I Can Breathe Again (Feat. Lucy Pullin)|We Are|Darkside|Free Tibet (Vini Vici Remix)|Great Spirit (Feat. Hilight Tribe)|Join Us Now|Supersonic|Scorpion|Subconcious|Follow Me (Psyburst Remix)|A State Of Trance Year Mix 2016 – Where’s Bob? (Outro)” d=”NHN벅스” e=”2017.01.03″ f=”일렉트로니카” g=”10027819″ t=”51″ i=”armin-van-buuren” j=”Airborn|Gouryella|W&W|Push|Genix|Eric Lumiere|DIM3NSION|Attila Syah|Alexander Popov|Kryder|Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike|Super8 And Tab|Jennifer Rene|Chris Schweizer|Orjan Nilsen|Omnia|Lost Frequencies|Hilight Tribe|Simon Patterson|David Gravell|Ilan Bluestone|Susana|Linnea Schossow|Rodg|Luke Bond|Angel Falls|Ram|Yoel Lewis|A.R.D.I.|The Thrillseekers pres. Hydra|Cosmic Gate|Nickson|Vini Vici|Radion 6|Mariana Bo|Lanos|ARTY|Willem De Roo|Alexandra Badoi|Mark Sherry|Simon Lee And Alvin|Audrey Gallagher|Denis Kenzo|Marco V|Digital X|John O’Callaghan|Bogdan Vix|Space Frog|4 Strings|Roger Shah|Chicane|Clare Stagg|Mohamed Ragab|Human Resource|Khomha|Mino Safy|Above & Beyond|Christina Novelli|Paul Van Dyk|Ahmed Romel|Estiva|Exis|DRYM|Sveta B.|John Askew|Andrew Bayer|Alex M.O.R.P.H.|ILLENIUM|Cartel|Aly & Fila|Kyau & Albert|Ben Gold|Ana Criado|Will Atkinson|Various Artists|Ashley Wallbridge|Bryan Kearney|Ferry Corsten|Armin Van Buuren|Saad Ayub|DJ Orkidea|Derb|Chris Bekker|Den Rize|Gareth Emery|Jorn Van Deynhoven|Gaia|Bobina|DJ Feel|Masters|Jonathan Mendelsohn|Dave Winnell|Andrew Rayel|MAGNUS|MaRLo|Chris Montana|Maestro|Zaa” k=”airborn|gouryella|w-w|push|genix|eric-lumiere|dim3nsion|attila-syah|alexander-popov|kryder|dimitri-vegas-like-mike|super8-and-tab|jennifer-rene|chris-schweizer|orjan-nilsen|omnia|lost-frequencies|hilight-tribe|simon-patterson|david-gravell|ilan-bluestone|susana|linnea-schossow|rodg|luke-bond|angel-falls|ram|yoel-lewis|a-r-d-i|the-thrillseekers-pres-hydra|cosmic-gate|nickson|vini-vici|radion-6|mariana-bo|lanos|arty|willem-de-roo|alexandra-badoi|mark-sherry|simon-lee-and-alvin|audrey-gallagher|denis-kenzo|marco-v|digital-x|john-o-callaghan|bogdan-vix|space-frog|4-strings|roger-shah|chicane|clare-stagg|mohamed-ragab|human-resource|khomha|mino-safy|above-beyond|christina-novelli|paul-van-dyk|ahmed-romel|estiva|exis|drym|sveta-b|john-askew|andrew-bayer|alex-m-o-r-p-h|illenium|cartel|aly-fila|kyau-albert|ben-gold|ana-criado|will-atkinson|various-artists|ashley-wallbridge|bryan-kearney|ferry-corsten|armin-van-buuren|saad-ayub|dj-orkidea|derb|chris-bekker|den-rize|gareth-emery|jorn-van-deynhoven|gaia-2|bobina|dj-feel|masters|jonathan-mendelsohn|dave-winnell|andrew-rayel|magnus|marlo|chris-montana|maestro|zaa” l=”nhnbeogseu” m=”ilregteuronika” n=”|||1|1|1|||1|||||||||||1|||1||1||||1||1|1|1||||1||||1|1|||1|1|1|1||||1||||||||||||||||1||1||||1||||1|1|1|1||1|1|||||1||1|1|1||||||||||” o=”armin-van-buuren” h=”67|73″]
Armin Van Buuren – A State Of Trance Year Mix 2016 (Mixed by Armin van Buuren)
ByBe One With Kpop
Aug 12, 2021 4 Strings, A.R.D.I., Above & Beyond, Ahmed Romel, Airborn, Alex M.O.R.P.H., Alexander Popov, Alexandra Badoi, Aly & Fila, Ana Criado, Andrew Bayer, Andrew Rayel, Angel Falls, Armin Van Buuren, ARTY, Ashley Wallbridge, Attila Syah, Audrey Gallagher, Ben Gold, Bobina, Bogdan Vix, Bryan Kearney, Cartel, Chicane, Chris Bekker, Chris Montana, Chris Schweizer, Christina Novelli, Clare Stagg, Cosmic Gate, Dave Winnell, David Gravell, Den Rize, Denis Kenzo, Derb, Digital X, DIM3NSION, Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike, DJ Feel, DJ Orkidea, DRYM, Eric Lumiere, Estiva, Exis, Ferry Corsten, Gaia, Gareth Emery, Genix, Gouryella, Hilight Tribe, Human Resource, Ilan Bluestone, ILLENIUM, Jennifer Rene, John Askew, John O'Callaghan, Jonathan Mendelsohn, Jorn Van Deynhoven, Khomha, Kryder, Kyau & Albert, Lanos, Linnea Schossow, Lost Frequencies, Luke Bond, Maestro, MAGNUS, Marco V, Mariana Bo, Mark Sherry, MaRLo, Masters, Mino Safy, Mohamed Ragab, NHN벅스, Nickson, Omnia, Orjan Nilsen, Paul Van Dyk, Push, Radion 6, Ram, Rodg, Roger Shah, Saad Ayub, Simon Lee And Alvin, Simon Patterson, Space Frog, Super8 And Tab, Susana, Sveta B., The Thrillseekers pres. Hydra, Various Artists, Vini Vici, W&W, Will Atkinson, Willem De Roo, Yoel Lewis, Zaa, 일렉트로니카