[tube a=”Live In New York 1954″ y=”IogZN8MReFs” b=”Art Blakey” c=”Quicksilver (Live In New York 1954)|A Night In Tunisia (Live In New York 1954)|Split Kick (Live In New York 1954)|Mayreh (Live In New York 1954)|Once In A While (Live In New York 1954)|If I Had You (Live In New York 1954)|Confirmation (Live In New York 1954)|Wee-Dot (Live In New York 1954)|Now’s The Time (Live In New York 1954)” d=”KDM” e=”2015.04.10″ f=”재즈” g=”208020″ t=”0″ i=”art-blakey” j=”Art Blakey” k=”art-blakey” l=”kdm” m=”jaejeu” n=”” h=””]

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