[tube a=”split ep” y=”tP-Tnu3Do14″ b=”Asterisk* & Jenny Piccolo” c=”Syntax of Limbo|A Blouse of Lead|An Angel Collapsing|I (Poultry)|Exodus|Bipolar on Lithium|Severe Battery|Bore Dome|Tank Om Jag Vore En Dods Maskin, Bara Ga /Omkring Och Slosa Liv (Aka. Have You Seen My Tanks)|Total Alienation|Blunt Still Burns” d=”Orchard” e=”2001.12.04″ f=”록/메탈” g=”4863672″ t=”0″ i=”asterisk-jenny-piccolo” j=”Asterisk|Jenny Piccolo” k=”asterisk|jenny-piccolo” l=”orchard” m=”rog-metal” n=”” h=””]

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