[tube a=”AXEL C THE BEST VOL 5″ y=”0pytJ_MeK24″ b=”Axel C” c=”San Vegas|Angel Life|Tool Stream|Luxury Time|Stand App|In the Wood|Moon Is Up|Sandy Beach|Wasteland|My Words|Ascending|Running Away|Her Enemy|Soul in Pain|Don’t Grasp|Another Scream|Our Children|Prejudice|Should Trust|Only a Dream|Few Have|Not Madness|All Fair|Love and War|In Real Love|Romantic Love|To the Eye|Disguise|Simulate In|Common Sense” d=”(주)플럭서스” e=”2018.04.16″ f=”POP” g=”5077613″ t=”0″ i=”axel-c” j=”Axel C” k=”axel-c” l=”ju-peulreogseoseu” m=”pop” n=”” h=””]