[tube a=”Life Goes On” y=”rJO540zeIq0″ b=”버닝 햅번 (Burning Hepburn)” c=”When The Punk Go Maching In|습관|Life Goes On (Feat. 크라잉넛, RUX)|잊혀진 거리|Lust For Life|Let’s Skanking|너의 노래|Let Me Home (Feat. 페퍼톤스, 고연경)|10년전에 난|어젯밤 이야기|무제|죽은도시의 Rock N Roll (Feat. The Southbay)|No Punk No Life (Feat. RUX 원종희)|Stage Of New Generation|이제 여기서 다시|Goodbye” d=”(주)디지탈레코드” e=”2010.08.02″ f=”인디음악|록/메탈” g=”981653″ t=”2″ i=”beoning-haebbeon-burning-hepburn” j=”버닝 햅번 (Burning Hepburn)” k=”beoning-haebbeon-burning-hepburn” l=”ju-dijitalrekodeu” m=”indieumag|rog-metal” n=”|1|1|1|1|1|1|1|1|1|1|1|1|1|1|” o=”beoning-haebbeon-burning-hepburn” h=””]

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