[tube a=”Shakespeare’s Lutenist: Theatre Music by Robert Johnson” y=”yG1Yo-g-100″ b=”Emma Kirkby” c=”Where the Bee Sucks (For Shakespeare’s “The Tempest”)|Hark, Hark! The Lark (For Shakespeare’s “Cymbeline”)|Come Hither, You That Love (For Beaumont and Fletcher’s “The Captain”)|As I Walked Forth|Woods, Rocks and Mountains|’Tis Late and Cold (For Fletcher and Massinger’s “The Lover’s Progress”)|O Let Us Howl (For Webster’s “The Duchess of Malfi”)|Arm, Arm! (For Fletcher’s “The Mad Lover”)|Come Away, Hecate (For Middleton’s “The Witch”)|Fantasia|Pavan I in C Minor|Galliard “My Lady Mildemays Delight”|Charon, Oh Charon|Away Delights (For Beaumont and Fletcher’s “The Captain”)|Come, Heavy Sleep|Care-Charming Sleep (For Fletcher’s “Valentinian”)|Alman|The Prince’s Alman|Alman “Hit It and Take It”|The Princes’ Corant|Full Fathom Five (For Shakespeare’s “The Tempest”)|Have You Seen the White Lily Grow? (For Jonson’s “The Devis Is an Ass”)|Adieu, Fond Love (For Fletcher and Massinger’s “The Lover’s Progress”)|Come Away, Thou Lady Gay (For Fletcher’s “The Chances”)|Tell Me, Dearest (For Beaumont and Fletcher’s “The Captain”)” d=”워너뮤직” e=”2019.10.25″ f=”클래식|오페라/성악” g=”10343579″ t=”11″ i=”emma-kirkby” j=”Anthony Rooley|David Thomas|Emma Kirkby” k=”anthony-rooley|david-thomas|emma-kirkby” l=”weoneomyujig” m=”keulraesig|opera-seongag” n=”” h=””]

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