[tube a=”Pastoral Dialogues – Robert Jones, John Dowland, Robert Johnson, William Lawes, Sigismondo D’India” y=”L9d3q26FdCk” b=”Emma Kirkby” c=”Whither Runneth My Sweetheart|Fly Swift My Thoughts|We Yet Agree|Sorrow Stay…Die Not Before The Day…Mourne, Day Is With Darkness Fled|As I Walked Forth|’Tis Late And Cold|Charon, O Charon|Dialogues Come, My Daphne, Come Away|Dialogues Vulcan, O Vulcan, My Love|Non miri il mio bel sole|Al fonte, al prato|Perche piangi, pastore|Che Farai, Meliseo? … Qual Fiera Si Crudel?|Surge propera amica mea|Odi quel rosignuolo|Uccidetemi pur, bella tiranna|No, ch’io non mi fido” d=”Universal Music Group” e=”2014.01.01″ f=”클래식” g=”149196″ t=”0″ i=”emma-kirkby” j=”Anthony Rooley|Emma Kirkby|David Thomas|Trevor Jones” k=”anthony-rooley|emma-kirkby|david-thomas|trevor-jones” l=”universal-music-group” m=”keulraesig” n=”” h=””]

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