[tube a=”Airlines” y=”cJvkv-BUxFk” b=”Emmanuel Pahud” c=”I. The Shape of Water (1악장)|II. Watching Ruth (2악장)|III. Elisa`s Theme (3악장)|I. Comme Un Oiseau Pourchasse|II. Ils Regardent La Lumiere|III. Rosee De Plomb, Inexorables Tenebres|Lust, Caution (색, 계)|Girl With A Pearl Earring (진주 귀걸이를 한 소녀)|Birth (탄생)|Airlines|The Grand Budapest Hotel (그랜드 부다페스트 호텔)” d=”워너뮤직” e=”2020.09.02″ f=”클래식|교향/관현악” g=”10484363″ t=”2|7|10″ i=”emmanuel-pahud” j=”Emmanuel Pahud|Orchestre National De France|Florentino Calvo|Alexandre Desplat|Myriam Lafargue” k=”emmanuel-pahud|orchestre-national-de-france|florentino-calvo|alexandre-desplat|myriam-lafargue” l=”weoneomyujig” m=”keulraesig|gyohyang-gwanhyeonag” n=”” h=””]