[tube a=”Bach: Cantatas BWV 6, 41 & 68″ y=”r6TRChdfdow” b=”Ensemble Baroque de Limoges” c=”Cantata for New Year’s Day, BWV 41: No. 1, Chorus ‘Jesu, nun sei gepreiset’|Cantata for New Year’s Day, BWV 41: No. 2, Aria for Soprano, 3 Oboes and Continuo ‘Lass uns, o hochster Gott, das Jahr vollbringen’|Cantata for New Year’s Day, BWV 41: No. 3, Recitative for Alto and Continuo ‘Ach! deine Hand, dein Segen muss allein’|Cantata for New Year’s Day, BWV 41: No. 4, Aria for Tenore, Violoncello Piccolo and Continuo ‘Wo ferne du den edlen Frieden’|Cantata for New Year’s Day, BWV 41: No. 5, Recitative for Bass, Chorus and Continuo ‘Doch weil der Feind bei Tag und Nacht’|Cantata for New Year’s Day, BWV 41: No. 6, Chorale for Chorus and Orchestra ‘Dein ist allein die Ehre’|Cantata for Easter Monday, BWV 6: No. 1, Chorus ‘Bleib bei uns, denn es will Abend werden’|Cantata for Easter Monday, BWV 6: No. 2, Aria for Alto, Oboe da caccia and Continuo ‘Hochgelobter Gottessohn’|Cantata for Easter Monday, BWV 6: No. 3, Chorale for Soprano, Violoncello Piccolo and Continuo ‘Ach bleib bei uns, Herr Jesu Christ’|Cantata for Easter Monday, BWV 6: No. 4, Recitative for Bass and Continuo ‘Es hat die Dunkelheit’|Cantata for Easter Monday, BWV 6: No. 5, Aria for Tenore, Strings and Continuo ‘Jesu, lass uns auf dich sehen’|Cantata for Easter Monday, BWV 6: No. 6, Chorale for Chorus and Orchestra ‘Beweis dein Macht, Herr Jesu Christ’|Cantata for Second Day of Pentecost, BWV 68: No. 1, Chorus ‘Also hat Gott die Welt geliebt’|Cantata for Second Day of Pentecost, BWV 68: No. 2, Aria for Soprano, Violin, Violoncello Piccolo and Continuo ‘Mein glaubiges Herze’|Cantata for Second Day of Pentecost, BWV 68: No. 3, Recitative for Bass and Continuo ‘Ich bin mit Petro nicht vermessen’|Cantata for Second Day of Pentecost, BWV 68: No. 4, Aria for Bass, 2 Oboes, Taille and Continuo ‘Du bist geboren mir zugute’|Cantata for Second Day of Pentecost, BWV 68: No. 5, Chorus ‘Wer an ihn glaubet, der wird nicht gerichtet'” d=”(주)플럭서스” e=”2016.10.01″ f=”클래식” g=”5108298″ t=”0″ i=”ensemble-baroque-de-limoges” j=”Accentus|Christophe Coin|Andreas Scholl|Barbara Schlick|Ensemble Baroque de Limoges|Gotthold Schwarz|Christoph Pregardien” k=”accentus|christophe-coin|andreas-scholl|barbara-schlick|ensemble-baroque-de-limoges|gotthold-schwarz|christoph-pregardien” l=”ju-peulreogseoseu” m=”keulraesig” n=”” h=””]