[tube a=”고요한 빛” y=”YjFrGzbMwh0″ b=”Festy Wxs” c=”Intro|고요한 빛|Wake Up (feat. LIL GIMCHI)|Birthday|나뭇잎|The Stairs To The Sky (feat. Yung Blesh)|Talk To Me Nice|Forever|Daisy (Remastered Ver.)|Vision|여름날의 여명|어차피|ON THE MOON|인생은 한번 (feat. Kid Kki)|Up All Night (feat. Royal 44)|진격!” d=”Sony Music” e=”2022.07.13″ f=”랩/힙합” g=”11003127″ t=”1|10|11|14″ i=”festy-wxs” j=”Festy Wxs” k=”festy-wxs” l=”sony-music” m=”raeb-hibhab” n=”|1|1|1|1|1|1|1|1|1|1|1|1|1|1|1″ o=”festy-wxs” h=””]

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