[tube a=”Day Off” y=”YSWbr1jDawY” b=”할로우 잰” c=”Day 0: Purple Night|Day 1: Perfect Ending|Day 2: The Day Before|Day 3: The Day After|Day 4: Invitation Of The Wind|Day 5: The Ugly Dancing Of The Tramp Clown|Day 6: Return To Universe|Day 7: Poem Of The Ocean” d=”Lon Music” e=”2014.03.10″ f=”록/메탈|인디음악” g=”2239414″ t=”3″ i=”halrou-jaen” j=”할로우 잰” k=”halrou-jaen” l=”lon-music” m=”rog-metal|indieumag” n=”|1|1|1||1||1″ o=”halrou-jaen” h=””]