[tube a=”Super Strong God” y=”dFXkBmBE9Xs” b=”Hillsong Kids” c=”Rainbow|One Way|Royalty|Let Your Light Shine|God You Make Me Smile|Super Strong God|Let The Children Come|Heaven In My Heart|Radio|Jesus In My Life|Free|Look From Heaven|Medley : All I Need Is You / You Are My World|I Love You|I Believe In Jesus” d=”Hillsong Music and Resources LLC” e=”2005.11.01″ f=”CCM|국외CCM” g=”528758″ t=”12″ i=”hillsong-kids” j=”Hillsong Kids” k=”hillsong-kids” l=”” m=”ccm|gugoeccm” n=”|||||||1||1||||1|1″ o=”hillsong-kids” h=””]