[tube p=”Maybe She Just Want My Love

3am / She Just
Executive Produced by JayKo
1. 3am

Produced by $.I.D With
Composed by JayKo, $.I.D With
Written by JayKo
Arranged by $.I.D With
Mixed by C.P.U @Monello at MNL Studio
Mastered by C.P.U @Monello at MNL Studio

2. She Just

Produced by JayKo
Composed by JayKo
Written by JayKo
Arranged by JayKo
Mixed by C.P.U @Monello at MNL Studio
Mastered by C.P.U @Monello at MNL Studio

Artwork by @iwaschild

펼치기” a=”3am / She Just” y=”qb21kvrw1iY” b=”JayKo” c=”3am|She Just” d=”Universal Music Group” e=”2023.10.24″ f=”랩/힙합” g=”11349535″ t=”1″ i=”jayko” j=”JayKo” k=”jayko” l=”universal-music-group” m=”raeb-hibhab” n=”1|1″ o=”jayko” h=””]

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