[tube a=”George Handel:Handel’s Messiah (Messiah Choruses)” y=”XID6jPryhaA” b=”London Symphony Chorus” c=”Messiah, HWV 56:And the Glory of the Lord|Messiah, HWV 56:He Will Purify|Messiah, HWV 56:For Unto Us A Child Is Born|Messiah, HWV 56:His Yoke Is Easy|Messiah, HWV 56:Behold The Lamb Of God|Messiah, HWV 56:Surely He Hath Borne Our Griefs|Messiah, HWV 56:With His Stripes|Messiah, HWV 56:All We Like Sheep|Messiah, HWV 56:He Trusted In God|Messiah, HWV 56:Lift Up Your Heads|Messiah, HWV 56:Let Us Break Their Bonds Asunder|Messiah, HWV 56:Hallelujah|Messiah, HWV 56:Since By Man Came Death|Messiah, HWV 56:Worthy Is The Lamb … Amen” d=”KDM” e=”2013.12.31″ f=”클래식” g=”229099″ t=”0″ i=”london-symphony-chorus” j=”Adrian Boult|London Symphony Orchestra|London Symphony Chorus” k=”adrian-boult|london-symphony-orchestra|london-symphony-chorus” l=”kdm” m=”keulraesig” n=”” h=””]

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