[tube a=”New Century Masterpiece Cinema” y=”9_7c_xhVmd4″ b=”너드커넥션 (Nerd Connection)” c=”21st Century Kingdom|Hollywood Movie Star|29|Behind the Trees|SUPERNOVA!|항성통신|우린 노래가 될까|Snowman in a Bathtub|Green Fields|Odds|Life Dancing|조용히 완전히 영원히” d=”지니뮤직” e=”2021.10.27″ f=”인디음악|록/메탈” g=”10752875″ t=”1|6″ i=”neodeukeonegsyeon-nerd-connection” j=”너드커넥션 (Nerd Connection)” k=”neodeukeonegsyeon-nerd-connection” l=”jinimyujig” m=”indieumag|rog-metal” n=”1|1|1|1|1|1|1|1|1|1|1|1″ o=”neodeukeonegsyeon-nerd-connection” h=””]

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