[tube a=”人間開花 (Human Bloom)” y=”PDSkFeMVNFs” b=”RADWIMPS (래드윔프스)” c=”Lights go out|光 / Hikari|AADAAKOODAA|トアルハルノヒ / One spring day|前前前世 (original ver.) / Zenzenzense|’I’ Novel|アメノヒニキク / Listen to it when it’s raining|週刊少年ジャンプ / Weekly Shounen Jump|棒人間 / Stick figure|記號として / as a symbol|ヒトボシ / Human Shaped Constellation|スパ-クル (original ver.) / Sparkle|Bring me the morning|O&O|告白 / Confession” d=”NHN벅스” e=”2016.11.23″ f=”J-POP” g=”10017214″ t=”4″ i=”radwimps-raedeuwimpeuseu” j=”RADWIMPS (래드윔프스)” k=”radwimps-raedeuwimpeuseu” l=”nhnbeogseu” m=”j-pop” n=”1|1|1|1|1|1||1|1|||1|||1″ o=”radwimps-raedeuwimpeuseu” h=””]

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