[tube a=”Grave” y=”GbcH_l70ycw” b=”로우케이 (Low K)” c=”Low K Launcher|I’m As Stubborn As A Mule (Feat. 장군)|True Sight (Feat. 구도자)|Phonics Play (Feat. C-cle, 산도)|술 마실까 (Feat. 김야리)|걸어가네 (Feat. 장군)|Voice Of The Underground” d=”(주)뮤직앤뉴” e=”2016.12.06″ f=”랩/힙합|인디음악” g=”10020849″ t=”5″ i=”roukei-low-k” j=”로우케이 (Low K)” k=”roukei-low-k” l=”ju-myujigaennyu-2″ m=”raeb-hibhab|indieumag” n=”1|1|1|1|1|1|1″ o=”roukei-low-k” h=””]

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