[tube a=”Waiting All My Life” y=”UyKIyyMDZTM” b=”Sofasound” c=”Waiting All My Life|Glow (feat. Hanz & Myles Jaeger)|Where I Lost My Soul|Eclipse|Beyond My Darkest Thought|Say What You Mean (feat. Akacia)|Overwhelmed (feat. Past Worlds)|Dream Lover|Alone Together|You Been On My Mind (feat. falcxne)|You Can Feel It|In The Sky (feat. Razlo)” d=”토코리아엠앤이” e=”2020.12.08″ f=”일렉트로니카” g=”10529994″ t=”5″ i=”sofasound” j=”Floro|Sofasound” k=”floro|sofasound” l=”tokoriaemaeni” m=”ilregteuronika” n=”|||||1||||||1″ o=”sofasound” h=””]

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