[tube a=”Mezmerize” y=”zUzd9KyIDrM” b=”System Of A Down” c=”Soldier Side (Intro)|B.Y.O.B.|Revenga|Cigaro|Radio / Video|This Cocaine Makes Me Feel Like I’m On This Song|Violent Pornography|Question!|Sad Statue|Old School Hollywood|Lost In Hollywood” d=”SonyBMG” e=”2005.05.17″ f=”록/메탈” g=”303210″ t=”1″ i=”system-of-a-down” j=”System Of A Down” k=”system-of-a-down” l=”sonybmg” m=”rog-metal” n=”|1|1||1|||1|1||1″ o=”system-of-a-down” h=”3|4|6″]

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