[tube a=”The La’s” y=”CZXLLMbJdZ4″ b=”The La’s” c=”Son Of A Gun|I Can’t Sleep|Timeless Melody|Liberty Ship|There She Goes|Doledrum|Feelin’|Way Out|I.O.U.|Freedom Song|Failure|Looking Glass|All By Myself|Clean Prophet|Knock Me Down|Over|I.O.U.” d=”Universal Music Group” e=”2001.01.01″ f=”POP|록/메탈” g=”65309″ t=”4″ i=”the-la-s” j=”The La’s” k=”the-la-s” l=”universal-music-group” m=”pop|rog-metal” n=”||||1||||||||||||” o=”the-la-s” h=”1″]

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