[tube a=”New Transformation Vol.1″ y=”y0uCVO6XLP8″ b=”TR워십 (TR Worship)” c=”변찮는 주님의 사랑과 (Let us sing of His love)|불길 같은 주 성령 (Come, Thou burning Spirit, Come)|그 사랑 (His Love)|주님의 임재 앞에서 (In the Presence of the Lord)|영원히 주님 전에서 (Rejoice in His sanctuary)|내게 입 맞추소서 (Song of Shulamite)” d=”(주)온리원뮤직” e=”2021.07.30″ f=”CCM|워십” g=”10665913″ t=”0|2″ i=”trweosib-tr-worship” j=”TR워십 (TR Worship)” k=”trweosib-tr-worship” l=”ju-onriweonmyujig” m=”ccm|weosib” n=”1|1|1|1|1|1″ o=”trweosib-tr-worship” h=””]