[tube a=”50 Best – Handel” y=”KErrDz8HcZY” b=”Various Artists” c=”Handel: Solomon HWV 67 / Act 3 – 42. The Arrival Of The Queen Of Sheba|Handel: Acis and Galatea, HWV 49 – 6b. “Love In Her Eyes Sits Playing”|Handel: Water Music Suite in F Major, HWV 348 – 2. Adagio e staccato|Handel: Water Music Suite in F Major, HWV 348 – 3. Allegro|Handel: Water Music Suite in F Major, HWV 348 – 4. Andante|Handel: Water Music Suite in F Major, HWV 348 – 6. Air|Handel: Water Music Suite No.1 in F, HWV 348 – 9. Hornpipe|Handel: Xerxes, HWV 40 / Act 1 – 1b. “Ombra mai fu”|Handel: Zadok The Priest, HWV 258 (Live)|Handel: Atalanta, HWV 35 / Act 1 – 4. “Care selve”|Handel: Messiah, HWV 56 / Pt. 1 – 13. Pifa (Pastoral Symphony)|Handel: Giulio Cesare, HWV 17 / Act 1 – “Va tacito e nascosto”|Handel: Rinaldo, HWV 7a / Act 2 – 22. Lascia ch’io pianga|Handel: Messiah, HWV 56 / Pt. 3 – 48. The Trumpet Shall Sound (Excerpt)|Handel: Concerto Grosso in C minor, Op.6, No.8, HWV 326 – 5. Siciliana (Andante)|Handel: Giulio Cesare, HWV 17 / Act 2 – 19. V’adoro, pupille|Handel: Judas Maccabaeus HWV 63 / Part 2 – 45. “Sound An Alarm!”|Handel: Ode for Saint Cecilia’s Day, HWV76 – 4. “The Trumpet’s Loud Clangour”|Handel: Laudate pueri Dominum HWV 237 – 1. Laudate pueri Dominum|Handel: Jephtha, HWV 70 / Act 3 – 53. “Waft Her, Angels, Through The Skies”|Handel: Messiah, HWV 56 / Pt. 1 – 18. “Rejoice Greatly, O Daughter Of Zion”|Handel: Alcina, HWV 34 / Act 1 – 29. Tornami a vagheggiar|Handel: Alcina, HWV 34 / Act 2 – 48. “Verdi prati, selve amene”|Handel: Water Music Suite in D major, HWV349 – 2. Alla Hornpipe|Handel: Keyboard Suite No.7 in G minor, HWV432 – 6. Passacaille|Handel: Samson, HWV 57 / Act 3 – Let The Bright Seraphim|Handel: Semele, HWV 58 / Act 2 – 39. “Where’er You Walk”|Handel: Joshua, HWV 64 / Part 3 – Oh! Had I Jubal’s Lyre|Handel: Messiah, HWV 56 / Pt. 1 – 12. “For Unto As A Child Is Born”|Handel: Messiah, HWV 56 / Pt. 3 – 45. “I Know That My Redeemer Liveth”|Handel: Messiah HWV 56 / Part 2 – 23. “He Was Despised”|Handel: Organ Concerto No.6 In B Flat, Op.4, HWV 294 (Arr. Eduard Grigoryan) – 1. Andante Allegro|Handel: Trio Sonata for 2 Violins and Continuo in G, Op.5, No.4, HWV 399 – 1. Allegro|Handel: Semele, HWV 58 / Act 2 – 29. “Oh Sleep, Why Dost Thou Leave Me?”|Handel: Concerto Grosso In D Minor, Op. 6, No. 10, HWV 328 – 5. Allegro|Handel: Music For The Royal Fireworks, HWV 351 – 4. La réjouissance|Handel: Tamerlano, HWV 18 / Act 2 (Arr. Recorder, Cello And Organ) – 32. Par che mi nasca in seno|Handel: Semele HWV 58 / Act 2 – 28. “Hence, Iris, Hence Away”|Handel: Concerto grosso In D Major, Op. 6, No. 5, HWV 323 – 1. Larghetto e staccato|Handel: Giulio Cesare, HWV 17 / Act 3 – 35. “Piangerò la sorte mia”|Handel: Messiah, HWV 56 / Pt. 1 – 3. “Ev’ry Valley Shall Be Exalted”|Handel: Concerto Grosso in A Major, Op. 6, No. 11, HWV 329 – 1. Andante larghetto e staccato|Handel: Messiah, HWV 56 / Pt. 2 – 42. Chorus: “Hallelujah”|Handel: Silete venti, HWV 242 – 5. Alleluia|Handel: Recorder Sonata in C major, Op.1, No.7, HWV 365 – 1. Larghetto|Handel: Thine Be The Glory|Handel: Judas Maccabaeus HWV 63 / Part 1 – 2. “Mourn, Ye Afflicted Children”|Handel: Harpsichord Suite No. 5 In E, HWV 430 – “The Harmonious Blacksmith” – 4. Air And Variations|Handel: Keyboard Suite No.4 in E minor, HWV429 – 1. Fugue|Handel: Music for the Royal Fireworks, HWV351 – 1. Overture” d=”Universal Music Group” e=”2003.07.03″ f=”클래식|오페라/성악|교향/관현악|협주곡|독주곡|실내악” g=”10028244″ t=”0″ i=”various-artists” j=”Miriam Allan|Nicholas Milton|Slava Grigoryan|Sally-Anne Russell|Angus Wood|The Sydney Philharmonia Choir|Sirius Ensemble|Antony Walker|Sara Macliver|Ironwood|Geoffrey Payne|Sydney Philharmonia Orchestra|Neal Peres Da Costa|Tasmanian Symphony Orchestra|David Hobson|Leonard Grigoryan|Emma Kirkby|Benjamin Northey|Leanne Sullivan|Paul Dyer|David Measham|Sinfonia Australis|David Russell|Various Artists|Shu Cheen Yu|Paul McMahon|John O’Donnell|Daniel Yeadon|Adelaide Symphony Orchestra|Alexandra Sherman|David Drury|Ben Dollman|Yvonne Kenny|Vladimir Kamirsky|Dominic Harvey|Tommie Andersson|Graham Abbott|Orchestra Of The Antipodes|Cantillation|Lucinda Moon|Melbourne Symphony Orchestra|Genevieve Lacey|Teddy Tahu Rhodes|Jamie Hey|Graham Pushee” k=”miriam-allan|nicholas-milton|slava-grigoryan|sally-anne-russell|angus-wood|the-sydney-philharmonia-choir|sirius-ensemble|antony-walker|sara-macliver|ironwood|geoffrey-payne|sydney-philharmonia-orchestra|neal-peres-da-costa|tasmanian-symphony-orchestra|david-hobson|leonard-grigoryan|emma-kirkby|benjamin-northey|leanne-sullivan|paul-dyer|david-measham|sinfonia-australis|david-russell|various-artists|shu-cheen-yu|paul-mcmahon|john-o-donnell|daniel-yeadon|adelaide-symphony-orchestra|alexandra-sherman|david-drury|ben-dollman|yvonne-kenny|vladimir-kamirsky|dominic-harvey|tommie-andersson|graham-abbott|orchestra-of-the-antipodes|cantillation|lucinda-moon|melbourne-symphony-orchestra|genevieve-lacey|teddy-tahu-rhodes|jamie-hey|graham-pushee” l=”universal-music-group” m=”keulraesig|opera-seongag|gyohyang-gwanhyeonag|hyeobjugog|dogjugog|silnaeag” n=”” h=””]
Various Artists – 50 Best – Handel
ByBe One With Kpop
Sep 13, 2021 Adelaide Symphony Orchestra, Alexandra Sherman, Angus Wood, Antony Walker, Ben Dollman, Benjamin Northey, Cantillation, Daniel Yeadon, David Drury, David Hobson, David Measham, David Russell, Dominic Harvey, Emma Kirkby, Genevieve Lacey, Geoffrey Payne, Graham Abbott, Graham Pushee, Ironwood, Jamie Hey, John O'Donnell, Leanne Sullivan, Leonard Grigoryan, Lucinda Moon, Melbourne Symphony Orchestra, Miriam Allan, Neal Peres Da Costa, Nicholas Milton, Orchestra Of The Antipodes, Paul Dyer, Paul McMahon, Sally-Anne Russell, Sara Macliver, Shu Cheen Yu, Sinfonia Australis, Sirius Ensemble, Slava Grigoryan, Sydney Philharmonia Orchestra, Tasmanian Symphony Orchestra, Teddy Tahu Rhodes, The Sydney Philharmonia Choir, Tommie Andersson, Universal Music Group, Various Artists, Vladimir Kamirsky, Yvonne Kenny, 교향/관현악, 독주곡, 실내악, 오페라/성악, 클래식, 협주곡