[tube a=”Classic ABC TV And Radio Themes From The 1940’s To The 2000’s” y=”zHEDsPAYAVw” b=”Various Artists” c=”Williams: ABC Radio News (Majestic Fanfare)|Burgon: Theme (From “Brideshead Revisited”)|Respighi: Ancient Airs And Dances, Suite No. 2, P. 138 – 4. Bergamasca|Kats-Chernin: Russian Rag|Ravel: String Quartet In F Major, M.35 – 2. Assez vif – Très rythmé|Goodall: The Lord Is My Shepherd|Theme (From “Gardening Australia”)|Theme (From “Countrywide”)|Smeaton: Theme (From “Patrol Boat”)|Theme (Lost Patrol) (From “Four Corners”)|Theme (From “Four Corners”)|Theme (From “Lateline”)|Theme (From “Foreign Correspondent”)|Theme (From “The 7.30 Report”)|Theme (From “Phoenix”)|Windows Of Arques (From “Jazztrack”)|Theme (From “Geoffrey Robertson’s Hypotheticals”)|Harle: Silencium – Music of Inner Peace – 12. Silencium|Westlake: Antarctica – Suite For Guitar And Orchestra – 3. Penguin Ballet|Burgon: Nunc dimittis (From “Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy”)|Shostakovich: The Gadfly Suite, Op. 97a – 8. Romance (Arr. by Lev Atovmyan) (From “The Gadfly”)|Smeaton: Theme (From “Seven Little Australians”)|Sousa: Liberty Bell March (From “Monty Python’s Flying Circus”)|Theme (From “Holiday With Bill Peach”)|Osborne: Sunspot (From “Weekend Magazine”)|Michael’s Theme (From “Parkinson”)|Theme (From “Wildside”)|The Black And White Rag (From “Pot Black”)|I Want A Girl (From “Mother And Son”)|Khachaturian: Spartacus – Adagio Of Spartacus And Phrygia|Dreyfus: Theme (From “Rush”)|Schubert: Piano Quintet in A, D.667 “The Trout” – 5. Finale (Allegro giusto)|Piano Parchment (From “All Creatures Great And Small”)|J. Strauss II: Thunder And Lightning, Polka, Op.324|Beethoven: Rondo In B Flat For Piano & Orchestra, WoO6 (From ” Music For Pleasure”)|Theme (From “Match Of The Day”)|Theme (From “The Argonauts”)|German: Nell Gwyn Suite – Merrymakers’ Dance|Melody On The Move (From “Hospital Half Hour “)|Theme (From “Mr. Squiggle”)|Theme (From “Bananas In Pyjamas”)|Theme (From “Play School”)|Vivaldi: 12 Concertos, Op.3 – “L’estro armonico” / Concerto No. 9 in D major for Solo Violin, RV 230 – 3. Allegro|Bulgar Frailach (From “Music Deli”)|Chesworth, Carter: Sabat Jesus – 1. To The Gods|Dreyfus: Theme (From “Power Without Glory”)|Charpentier: Te Deum for Soloists, Chorus and Orchestra, H 146 – 1. Prélude|Smeaton: Theme (From “1915”)|Olympia Australis (From “2000 Olympics Broadcasts”)|Up Country (From “Bellbird”)|Hamner: Pastorale (Theme From “Blue Hills”)|Smeaton: Theme (From “The Timeless Land”)|Theme (From “ABC TV News”)|ABC Station ID (Ice, Fire And Water)” d=”Universal Music Group” e=”2014.09.19″ f=”국외영화|클래식|교향/관현악|오페라/성악|실내악|협주곡” g=”10123900″ t=”0″ i=”various-artists” j=”Robert Kitney|Seraphim Trio|Paul Wright|Ian Munro|Patrick Thomas|Paul Grabowsky|Peter Wall|Queensland Symphony Orchestra|Chung Wai Soong|Ronald Hamner|Emma O Brien|Sydney Symphony Orchestra|The ABC Showband|Sara Macliver|Tony Ansell|ABC Radio Orchestra|Monica Trapaga|Philip Quast|Bruce Smeaton|Jane Sheldon|Tasmanian Symphony Orchestra|Stuart Challender|Winifred Atwell|Jacqueline Cronin|Jeremy Smith|Peter Best|Benjamin Northey|Leanne Sullivan|Vladimir Ponkin|Elise Robertson|Paul Dyer|Catherine Schieve|Mary Doumany|Sinfonia Australis|Ross Hazeldine|Jose Serebrier|Bob Paredes|George Dreyfus|Jessie Evans|Various Artists|Sean O’Boyle|Jo Dikkenberg|Brian May|Wendy Couch|David Stanhope|Adelaide Symphony Orchestra|Bruce Cale|David Campbell|Harold Williams|Jennifer Ludlum|David Drury|Hartley Newnham|Rick Turk|William Motzing|Abby Robertson|Marnie Council|Cantillation|Kevin Hocking|Bryce Rohde|Melbourne Symphony Orchestra|Simon Dikkenberg|Simon Myers|Sydney Alpha Ensemble|Timothy Kain|Angus Evans|Australian String Quartet|David Porcelijn|Barbara Jane Gilby” k=”robert-kitney|seraphim-trio|paul-wright|ian-munro|patrick-thomas|paul-grabowsky|peter-wall|queensland-symphony-orchestra|chung-wai-soong|ronald-hamner|emma-o-brien|sydney-symphony-orchestra|the-abc-showband|sara-macliver|tony-ansell|abc-radio-orchestra|monica-trapaga|philip-quast|bruce-smeaton|jane-sheldon|tasmanian-symphony-orchestra|stuart-challender|winifred-atwell|jacqueline-cronin|jeremy-smith|peter-best|benjamin-northey|leanne-sullivan|vladimir-ponkin|elise-robertson|paul-dyer|catherine-schieve|mary-doumany|sinfonia-australis|ross-hazeldine|jose-serebrier|bob-paredes|george-dreyfus|jessie-evans|various-artists|sean-o-boyle|jo-dikkenberg|brian-may|wendy-couch|david-stanhope|adelaide-symphony-orchestra|bruce-cale|david-campbell|harold-williams|jennifer-ludlum|david-drury|hartley-newnham|rick-turk|william-motzing|abby-robertson|marnie-council|cantillation|kevin-hocking|bryce-rohde|melbourne-symphony-orchestra|simon-dikkenberg|simon-myers|sydney-alpha-ensemble|timothy-kain|angus-evans|australian-string-quartet|david-porcelijn|barbara-jane-gilby” l=”universal-music-group” m=”gugoeyeonghwa|keulraesig|gyohyang-gwanhyeonag|opera-seongag|silnaeag|hyeobjugog” n=”” h=””]
Various Artists – Classic ABC TV And Radio Themes From The 1940’s To The 2000’s
ByBe One With Kpop
Sep 14, 2021 Abby Robertson, ABC Radio Orchestra, Adelaide Symphony Orchestra, Angus Evans, Australian String Quartet, Barbara Jane Gilby, Benjamin Northey, Bob Paredes, Brian May, Bruce Cale, Bruce Smeaton, Bryce Rohde, Cantillation, Catherine Schieve, Chung Wai Soong, David Campbell, David Drury, David Porcelijn, David Stanhope, Elise Robertson, Emma O Brien, George Dreyfus, Harold Williams, Hartley Newnham, Ian Munro, Jacqueline Cronin, Jane Sheldon, Jennifer Ludlum, Jeremy Smith, Jessie Evans, Jo Dikkenberg, Jose Serebrier, Kevin Hocking, Leanne Sullivan, Marnie Council, Mary Doumany, Melbourne Symphony Orchestra, Monica Trapaga, Patrick Thomas, Paul Dyer, Paul Grabowsky, Paul Wright, Peter Best, Peter Wall, Philip Quast, Queensland Symphony Orchestra, Rick Turk, Robert Kitney, Ronald Hamner, Ross Hazeldine, Sara Macliver, Sean O'Boyle, Seraphim Trio, Simon Dikkenberg, Simon Myers, Sinfonia Australis, Stuart Challender, Sydney Alpha Ensemble, Sydney Symphony Orchestra, Tasmanian Symphony Orchestra, The ABC Showband, Timothy Kain, Tony Ansell, Universal Music Group, Various Artists, Vladimir Ponkin, Wendy Couch, William Motzing, Winifred Atwell, 교향/관현악, 국외영화, 실내악, 오페라/성악, 클래식, 협주곡