[tube a=”The Generations of Israel” y=”n-IY9pe3CnA” b=”Various Artists” c=”Music: ‘Shdemat’|This Was My Dream Since I Was Five…|Music: ‘Shdemati’ Continued|Between About 1880 and 1914…|My Parents Was In Bacau, Rumania…|Well, The Beginning Really Was…|There Were Very Few People|Music: ‘Noomee Perach’|At the Beginning of the First World War…|There Were Three Jewish Battalions…|In November 1917, The English…|Now This Was Really the Background…|The News of the Balfour Declaration…|Music: ‘Gavor, Gavor’|Music: ‘The Tel Hai Song’|Here Were Boys and Girls…|Music: ‘Shir Ha’Emek’|Well,1929, ’30 Was Quite Messy…|When I Came Back In 1938…|Well, You See at That Time…|The British Tolerated the Haganah…|Adolf Hitler, Adressing the Reichstag, September 1, 1939.|About a Thousand Jews Had Come…|I Lived Before In Lithuania…|Unidentified Woman, Testifying at the Eichmann Trial: While We Were Lined Up…|The Crematorium Was…|We Speak About the Jewish Brigade…|Music: ‘Shir Halegyonot’|The First of November, 1946…|One Thing Which I Was Active On…|At That Time There Was Created…|The ‘Ulua’ Was an Old Ship…|They Don’t Call Us with Our Names…|Most of Them Were Very Sick…|They Put Us On the Ship…|I Put the Flashlight On Her…|Music: ‘Weit In Mitten Yam’|We Were Spotted Between the Shores of Port Said…|Mr. Truman Tried to Get the British Government…|Chaim Weizmann, Addressing the United Nations Committee On the Palestine Question, October 18, 1947: When the Committee Comes to Plan…|United Nations General Assembly Vote On the Palestine Partition Plan, November 9, 1947, Dr. Oswaldo Aranha of Brazil, Presiding…|Rabbi Abba Hillel Silver, Addressing the United Nations General Assembly, May 14, 1948: At Ten O’Clock This Morning…|The Most Difficult Decision…|In the War of Independence|This Place Where I Was Trained…|How When the War of Independence Started…|Music: ‘Zemer Aploogot’|This Victory Was Very Quickly Intermingled…|During the Last Twenty Years|I Come from Cairo, Egypt, 1949…|I Came from India, 1966…|I Came to Israel…|Music: ‘Sweet Is Your Mouth Like Sugar’|Abba Eban, Addressing the United Nations Security Council, June 6, 1967: Now There Could Be No Doubt…|Jordanian Radio Broadcast During the Six-Day War and Sounds of Fighting In Jerusalem: Now the Nightmare…|The Six-Day War, I Told Some of My Friends…|I Would Say That One of the Major Reasons…|At the Wailing Wall, June 7, 1967: Soldiers Reciting Kaddish; Rabbi Shlomo Goren Saying a Prayer for the Fallen; The Sound of the Shofar. Narrated by Teddy Kollek|You See, People Do Say from Time to Time…|Music: ‘Jerusalem of Gold’|Moshe Dayan, Addressing Egyptian Officers, Prisoners of War, Before Their Repatriation, Summer 1967: As Far As I Know…|Levi Eshkol, Addressing the Meeting of National Jewish Organizations In New York, January 11, 1968: My Very, Very, Good Friends…|Music: ‘Hatikvah'” d=”Sony Music” e=”2018.12.28″ f=”-” g=”10236997″ t=”1|11|13″ i=”various-artists” j=”Golda Meir|Bella Apelbom|Uzbeck Chorus On Love|The Sarad Trio|Haim Laskov|Mory Klein|Shulie Nathan|Chava Alberstein|Adolf Hitler|David Feig|Rabbi Abba Hillel Silver|Pinchas Rosen|Jordanian Radio Broadcast|Yigael Yadin|Shimon G.|Miriam Baratz|Unidentified Woman|Chaim Weizmann|Meyer Weisgal|Itzhak Rabin|Arie Eliav|Moshe Dayan|Eliahu Aron G.|Naomi Levy|The Israel Army Band|CBS Israel Choir|Abba Eban |Zeev Feller|Teddy Kollek|Nama Hendel|Hillel and The Sons of Galilee|Hayim Hefer|Tanya Eliav|Pinhas Avissar|Nathan Yalin-Mor|Miriam Silberberg|Itzhak Graziani|Edwin Samuel|Levi Eshkol|Dr. Oswaldo Aranha|David Ben Gurion” k=”golda-meir|bella-apelbom|uzbeck-chorus-on-love|the-sarad-trio|haim-laskov|mory-klein|shulie-nathan|chava-alberstein|adolf-hitler|david-feig|rabbi-abba-hillel-silver|pinchas-rosen|jordanian-radio-broadcast|yigael-yadin|shimon-g|miriam-baratz|unidentified-woman|chaim-weizmann|meyer-weisgal|itzhak-rabin|arie-eliav|moshe-dayan|eliahu-aron-g|naomi-levy|the-israel-army-band|cbs-israel-choir|abba-eban|zeev-feller|teddy-kollek|nama-hendel|hillel-and-the-sons-of-galilee|hayim-hefer|tanya-eliav|pinhas-avissar|nathan-yalin-mor|miriam-silberberg|itzhak-graziani|edwin-samuel|levi-eshkol|dr-oswaldo-aranha|david-ben-gurion” l=”sony-music” m=”145″ n=”” h=””]

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