[tube a=”빅마우스 OST : 스페셜 앨범” y=”DC_0ZGlcYsI” b=”Various Artists” c=”Brand New|Dark Rider|Metal Demon|Fate Tarot Card|Law Is Just Law|Polluted Area|Lunacy|Executor|Close the Gate|Lost Clue|Creepy Behavior|To Big Mouse|Apocalypse of Suffer|Revenge Blade|Second Wind|Biohazard|I Am the Law|The King of Kings|Accidental Accident|Love Mode|Blood War|Rule Over the Law” d=”Dreamus” e=”2022.10.01″ f=”국내드라마” g=”11069390″ t=”0″ i=”various-artists” j=”저스디스 (JUSTHIS)|Various Artists” k=”jeoseudiseu-justhis|various-artists” l=”dreamus” m=”gugnaedeurama” n=”1|||||||||||||||||||||” o=”va” h=””]