[tube a=”Tenderfoot Films: Scout Camp – Motion Picture Soundtrack” y=”gj3c5rHiRxM” b=”Various Artists” c=”Assembly|Born to Be a Scout|Buffalo|Affiliated|I’m Pretty Sure|I’m Dungeons You’re Dragons|The Showdown|Life Security|Eye of the Storm|One Way|Drifting Away|Oh Oh Oh|Legend of the Stick|Hymn to the Pledge of Allegiance|York and Reggie” d=”KDM” e=”2009.01.01″ f=”록/메탈” g=”3675246″ t=”0″ i=”various-artists” j=”Declaration|Drew Danburry|Adding Machines|Micah Dahl Anderson|Yaks|Alex Boye|Bugle|The Alligators” k=”declaration|drew-danburry|adding-machines|micah-dahl-anderson|yaks|alex-boye|bugle|the-alligators” l=”kdm” m=”rog-metal” n=”” h=””]