[tube a=”Rachmaninov, S.: Bells (The) / Spring / 3 Russian Songs (Vassileva, Didyk, Tanovitsky, Mariinsky Theatre Chorus, BBC Philharmonic, Noseda)” y=”2107AvhBkkw” b=”Various Artists” c=”Rachmaninov: Vesna (Spring), Op. 20|Rachmaninov: 3 Russian Songs, Op. 41 – No. 1. Over The Stream, The Swift Stream|Rachmaninov: 3 Russian Songs, Op. 41 – No. 2. Ah, Vanka, You Are So Dashing|Rachmaninov: 3 Russian Songs, Op. 41 – No. 3. My Cheeks, So White, So Rosy!|Rachmaninov: Kolokola (The Bells), Op. 35 – I. Allegro, Ma Non Tanto|Rachmaninov: Kolokola (The Bells), Op. 35 – Ii. Lento|Rachmaninov: Kolokola (The Bells), Op. 35 – Iii. Presto|Rachmaninov: Kolokola (The Bells), Op. 35 – Iv. Lento Lugubre – Allegro – Andante – Tempo I” d=”NAXOS” e=”2011.11.01″ f=”클래식” g=”3711865″ t=”0″ i=”various-artists” j=”Misha Didyk|Alexei Tanovitsky|Various Artists|BBC Philharmonic Orchestra|Gianandrea Noseda|Svetla Vassileva” k=”misha-didyk|alexei-tanovitsky|various-artists|bbc-philharmonic-orchestra|gianandrea-noseda|svetla-vassileva” l=”naxos” m=”keulraesig” n=”” h=””]

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